Course Called Scotland


Ballpark Blueprints is thrilled to be working with author Tom Coyne on his latest golfing adventure. In the summer of 2015, Tom played more than 100 golf courses in 57 days, around the coast of England, Wales, and Scotland.

He’s asked us to create a custom Ballpark Blueprint of his trip, including every course of his epic journey. So we took the challenge and created the ultimate map of A Course Called Scotland, showing each stop on his journey, with detailed stats on the yardage and par for each of these storied courses. 

Follow along on Tom’s adventure at, and read all about it in his next book: A COURSE CALLED SCOTLAND.

Tom Coyne is the author of the New York Times bestseller, A Course Called Ireland, along with Paper Tiger: An Obsessed Golfer's Quest to Play with the Pros and the novel A Gentleman's Game, which was adapted into a film starring Gary Sinise. His next book, A Course Called Scotland, was released by Simon & Schuster in July, 2018. 

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Ships By 03/17/2025

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