A Note About Imitation Merchandise
Ballpark Blueprints stadium-themed artwork is an authentic, original design protected by both copyright and trademark laws, which is only sold through our own web site, Zulily, Amazon.com, and Stadium Shoppe. The pricing is the same through all of these vendors, so we appreciate when you order directly through us as a small business. We also have best control of your fulfillment when it comes directly from our own fulfillment center.
Recently, it has come to our attention that imitation Ballpark Blueprints art has been sold by various vendors at TeeChip.com. These are not our authentic merchandise and we've received a number of complaints about poor quality. Of course, we can't deliver quality on a product that we didn't produce or sell. We take quality seriously and we know you do, too, so we thank you for buying directly from us when you're looking for authentic Ballpark Blueprints art.
Thank you for supporting small businesses and for sharing our love of sports.